MacGiro Scheine


Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Aufstellung aller von MacGiro unterstützen AppleEvents. Über AppleScript sind alle diese Befehle natürlich auch nutzbar, die zu verwendende Terminologie entnehmen Sie bitte dem MacGiro-Verzeichnis im AppleScript-Editor.

Diverse AppleEvents in MacGiro erwarten als direkten Parameter einen Text, der im Aufbau identisch zum Importformat ist (Felder durch Tabulatoren getrennt). Da es jedoch in einigen Programmen nicht möglich ist, Tabulatoren in Textketten einzubauen, die dann per AppleEvent verschickt werden, kann alternativ zum Tabulatorzeichen auch „¥“ verwendet werden.

1 AppleEvent-Befehle

Datenbank öffnen

Description:Opens the specified database
Event class:'aevt'
Event ID:'odoc'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    list of one alias record (each alias specifies a document to open)

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:open

Programm beenden

Description:Quit an application program
Event class:'aevt'
Event ID:'quit'
Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:quit

Programm beenden mit Parameter

Description:Quit an application program
Event class:'core'
Event ID:'quit'
  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to save currently open records

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:quit [saving yes/‌no/‌ask]

Transfer anlegen

Description:create the specified money transfer
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'IMPT'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    tab or csv delimited description of the money transfers (records separated by returns - same format as for import)


    alternatively a file alias to a text file containing that format

  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to replace duplicate records

  • optional 'GITB' of type text:

    specifying the field separator

  • optional 'GITF' of type file alias:

    Specifies the import options saved in a mgimport file

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:create transfer (text or file specification) [replace yes/‌no/‌ask] [field separator text]

Vorlage anlegen

Description:create the specified money transfer stationery
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'IMPV'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    tab or csv delimited description of the money transfer stationery (records separated by returns - same format as for import)


    alternatively a file alias to a text file containing that format

  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to replace duplicate records

  • optional 'GITB' of type text:

    specifying the field separator

  • optional 'GITF' of type file alias:

    Specifies the import options saved in a mgimport file

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:create transfer stationary (text or file specification) [replace yes/‌no/‌ask] [field separator text]

Bank anlegen

Description:create the specified bank
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'IMPB'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    tab or csv delimited description of the bank (records separated by returns - same format as for import)


    alternatively a file alias to a text file containing that format

  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to replace duplicate records

  • optional 'GITB' of type text:

    specifying the field separator

  • optional 'GITF' of type file alias:

    Specifies the import options saved in a mgimport file

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:create bank (text or file specification) [replace yes/‌no/‌ask] [field separator text]

Eigenkonto anlegen

Description:create the specified own account
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'IMPA'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    tab or csv delimited description of the own account (records separated by returns - same format as for import)


    alternatively a file alias to a text file containing that format

  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to replace duplicate records

  • optional 'GITB' of type text:

    specifying the field separator

  • optional 'GITF' of type file alias:

    Specifies the import options saved in a mgimport file

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:create own account (text or file specification) [replace yes/‌no/‌ask] [field separator text]

Fremdkonto anlegen

Description:create the specified other account
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'IMPE'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    tab or csv delimited description of the other account (records separated by returns - same format as for import)


    alternatively a file alias to a text file containing that format

  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to replace duplicate records

  • optional 'GITB' of type text:

    specifying the field separator

  • optional 'GITF' of type file alias:

    Specifies the import options saved in a mgimport file

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:create other account (text or file specification) [replace yes/‌no/‌ask] [field separator text]

Benutzer anlegen

Description:create the specified user
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'IMPU'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    tab or csv delimited description of the user (records separated by returns - same format as for import)


    alternatively a file alias to a text file containing that format

  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to replace duplicate records

  • optional 'GITB' of type text:

    specifying the field separator

  • optional 'GITF' of type file alias:

    Specifies the import options saved in a mgimport file

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:create user (text or file specification) [replace yes/‌no/‌ask] [field separator text]

XML-Daten importieren

Description:Create objects from XML data
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'IMPX'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    text XML data describing MacGiro objects


    alternatively a file alias to a text file containing that XML format

  • optional 'SEPA' of type 'boolean':

    'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not the type is SEPA-XML (default is MacGiro-XML). In case of SEPA only type file is allowed.

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:create objects (text or file specification) [type is SEPA yes/‌no]

Überweisung aus Rechnung

Description:Read invoive to create money transfer
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'CINV'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    text of invoice


    alternatively a file alias to a pdf or image file containing the invoice

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:read invoice (text or file of invoice)

Kontonummer prüfen

Description:verify the account number for given account no and BLZ
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'CHKT'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    account number to verify or account number;BLZ or IBAN or IBAN;BIC

  • optional 'GBLZ' of type text:

    for BLZ or BIC

Reply Parameter:text (one of the following texts: "richtig", "falsch", "BLZ unbekannt", "BLZ falsch") or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:verify accountnumber [for BLZ]

Datenbank öffnen mit Kennwort

Description:Open the specified database and login if the username and password are valid
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'odoc'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    list of one alias record (each alias specifies a document to open)

  • optional 'GIRN' of type 'TEXT':

    Specifies the username in the login dialog

  • optional 'GIRP' of type 'TEXT':

    Specifies the password in the login dialog

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:open list of alias [username text] [password text]

Datenbank schließen mit Nachfrage

Description:Perform tasks before close, then close
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'clos'
  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to save currently open records

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:close database [saving yes/‌no/‌ask]

Transfers ausführen

Description:Carry out all current transfers
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'DOIT'
  • optional 'GIKA' of type 'bool';

    Specifies whether or not to check online accounts

  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to write a log file for BTX online transfers

  • optional 'GILG' of type file alias;

    Specifies where to save log file (should be provided if 'savo' has been specified as 'yes ')

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:execute transfers [check account boolean] [with log file yes/‌no/‌ask][log file file specification]


Description:Check online accounts
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'CHAC'
  • optional 'savo' of type 'enum':

    'ask ', 'yes ', 'no '; Specifies whether or not to write a BTX log file

  • optional 'GILG' of type file alias:

    Specifies where to save log file (should be provided if 'savo' has been specified as 'yes ')

Reply Parameter:none or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:check accounts [with log file yes/‌no/‌ask] [log file file specification]

Anzahl der Abgleichdialoge?

Description:Count open balancing dialogs
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'cBAL'
Reply Parameter:'long' (the number) or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:count balancing dialogs

Anzahl der Umsätze im Abgleichdialog?

Description:Count the number of transfers in a balancing dialog
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'cTRN'
  • 'BALD' of type 'long':

    the dialog number

Reply Parameter:'long' (the number) or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:count transfers in balancing dialog integer

Umsatz lesen?

Description:Get a transfer from a balancing dialog
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'gTRN'
  • 'BALD' of type 'long':

    the dialog number

  • 'TRNS' of type 'long':

    the transfer number

  • optional 'GITB' of type text:

    specifying the field separator

Reply Parameter:'TEXT' (the transfer in export format) or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:get transfer data from transfer integer in balancing dialog integer [field separator text]

Ist in Ausführung?

Description:Test if MacGiro is busy
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'BUSY'
Reply Parameter:boolean or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:is busy

Importiere Buchungen

Description:Read the specified booked money transfer and show balance dialog
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'ACTR'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):

    tab or csv delimited description of the user (records separated by returns - same format as for import)


    alternatively a file alias to a text file containing that format

  • optional 'GITF' of type file alias:

    Specifies the import options saved in a mgimport file

  • optional 'OWNA' of type text:

    Specifies the name of the own account to be imported

Reply Parameter:'TEXT' (the transfer in export format) or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:import booked transfers pathToTextFile options file pathToOption.mgimport" own account name "Mai"

Suche Transfers

Description:Search transfers with the specified options and open the result
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'FIND'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----') of type search properties:

    Specifies the search options

    type is "search properties" (see sdef description)

  • optional 'OPEX' of type boolean:

    Specifies whether or not to open the result in the main window (default is open in main window).

Reply Parameter:'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:see AppleScript-Examples

Übergebe Transfers

Description:Search and return transfers with the specified options
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'FGET'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----') of type search properties:

    Specifies the search options

    type is "search properties" (see sdef description)

  • optional 'RFRM' of type "result format":

    Specifies the result format (default is AE records)

    type "result format" (see sdef description)

Reply Parameter:'TEXT' (found transfers in tab text or key/value format) or list of type transfer or 'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:see AppleScript-Examples

Überweisung aus Rechnung

Description:Read invoice to create money transfer
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'CINV'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):



    alternatively a file alias of invoice. File type is text, pdf or image

Reply Parameter:'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:read invoice theAlias

Importiere Kreditkartendaten

Description:read creditcard statements to create transfer
Event class:'GIRO'
Event ID:'CCST'
  • keyDirectParameter ('----'):



    alternatively a file alias of creditcard statements. File type is text, pdf or image.

  • optional 'OWNA' of type text:

    Specifies the name of the own account to be imported

Reply Parameter:'errn' (error number)
AppleScript command:read creditcard statements POSIX file filePath own account name "Mai"

2 Fehlermeldungen 'errn'


Es fehlt die Berechtigung, die Datenbank zu öffnen


Es können nicht alle Verwalter gelöscht werden


Inkonsistenz beim Einlesen eines Bank-Datensatzes


Fehler beim Einlesen der nn-ten Information zu einem Bank-Datensatz


Inkonsistenz beim Einlesen eines Fremdkonto-Datensatzes


Fehler beim Einlesen der nn-ten Information zu einem Fremdkto.-Datensatz


Inkonsistenz beim Einlesen eines Eigenkonto-Datensatzes


Fehler beim Einlesen der nn-ten Information zu einem Eigenkonto-Datensatz


Inkonsistenz beim Einlesen eines Transfer-Datensatzes


Fehler beim Einlesen der nn-ten Information zu einem Bank-Datensatz


Inkonsistenz beim Einlesen eines Benutzer-Datensatzes


Fehler beim Einlesen der nn-ten Information zu einem Benutzer-Datensatz

Dabei werden die Informationen in der Reihenfolge durchnummeriert, wie sie in den jeweiligen Import-Tabellen aufgeführt sind.

Import- und Export

Beschreibung der Import- und Export-Schnittstelle.


Beschreibung der AppleEvent-Schnittstelle.


Beschreibung der XML-Schnittstelle.


Einige Beispiele für AppleScript.


Beispiel-Beschreibung zur Anbindung an FileMaker.